Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Winter Hours

What can a New England girl do to while away the evening hours this long winter?
Sit in this white living room...

or this comfy white bedroom chair...

knitting and reading...

while dreaming of these branches...

blossoming into this...

The branches shown above were taken from a rare azalea bush in our yard.  I captured their blossoms in photos last spring. 

Right now I'm reflecting on and looking forward to spring awakenings, while freshening up our space...

 Hope to see you at White Wednesday in the meantime. 


Amy Chalmers said...

yes I am doing a lot of that too..sitting on my white chair dreaming of spring!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Very pretty, love your slipcovers, bought one for the sofa but haven't put it on yet!
Have a great day!

High Street Cottage said...

Susan, what a beautiful living room and glimpse of your bedroom! Must make the Winter months seem not so long, in my opinion. Wishing you an early Spring, hugs, xoxo tami

Unknown said...

oh this is lovely...and so soothing to the eye. i would happily join you on that comfy sofa or chair....it's all so gorgeous. happy ww my friend! :)


Sounds like a lovely place to while away the hours until spring...

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,
I wouldn't mind spending some time in your beautiful room! It's so lovely!
Wonderful post.
Have a great day.

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Thanks again for linking up & I'm following you now!

My Shabby Streamside Studio

Marianne said...

Lovely, what a dreamy atmosphere! Enjoy your day in your lovely home.

Anonymous said...

I'm too awaiting spring..I did see some buds peeking through the earth the other day.. Your pictures are lovely.
HAve a Fabulous day.


Blue Ridge Altered Art said...

Wonderful place to be awaiting the spring. ~~Sherry~~

Heaven's Walk said...

Hi Susan! LUV all the whites in your sweet home and on your blog! I'm your newest follower! Thanks for vising my blog and leaving your nice comment! :)

xoxo laurie

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan - Can I come hang out with you?? :D It sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day! Love your beautiful pillows and flowers, and great choice of reading material!

Are you sure it was my blog mentioned in the new Flea Market Style magazine??? They didn't even notify me that they were going to do that... not that I mind... I would be thrilled!!! Thanks for your sweet comment, Susan!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jo :)

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hi Susan! thanks for coming by my blog to visit! I am tickled pink that you are tickled too, for featuring your lovely picture on my blog! My jaw just dropped when I saw that picture, I had to share it! I edited the post, and gave you credit for it. lol Happy belated PS to you too sweetie!


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

What a beautiful place to sit and relax and read your books. Thanks so much for your sweet comment. Hope you've had a great weekend, T

Marie said...

Oh Susan! I soooo love your white living room. It's very cozy and inviting...love every piece you have in it.

Vintage Culler said...

I love your fresh, clean style! Your pictures are just dreamy.

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