Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Thriftin' finds

This past weekend my little girl and I took a trip to my favorite antiques shopping town - Essex, MA.  We made a stop at the White Elephant Shop, which also sells candy you can scoop into bags (that was the selling point for my girl).
It was nice to go thrifting again after such a long winter, and I found some lovely little things.  But before I show them, I want to remind you today's the last chance to enter my giveaway here.  I'll pick a winner by early tomorrow morning!

I can't pass up a cute ironstone milk pitcher, and these two tiny ones were perfect for single servings.  There were a lot of them at the store, which makes me think they came from a hotel, diner or B&B?

This vintage German book was tattered to perfection and the forks were just too pretty to leave behind:

What have you been finding lately?  I'm so excited to return to our local flea market this spring!

Sharing with:
Feathered Nest Friday
Shabbilicious Friday
Sundays at Home with Thoughts from Alice


  1. Susan - lovely finds. Love that gorgeous silverware!


  2. Love those little pitchers. I wish we had antique stores around here like that. I went for a bit yesterday to a couple that I used to find lots of goodies at and left with nothing. Seems they are filling up the booths with junk. Ugh. Not good junk either. Lol

  3. Love That silverware.....love from me ...x!

  4. Nice finds indeed!!! I am off to my first antique market of the season on Sunday and I tell you I feel like a kid waiting for Santa!! Hope this finds you well,ox

  5. Love the ironstone, Susan! So glad you and your daughter enjoyed your thrifting outing. What fun after such a long and snowy winter!!

  6. Lovely finds. White ironstone can never be passed by...and the silverware is beautiful. xo

  7. All so very beautiful, Susan! It is still winter-like here, so no flea markets yet.
    Happy Spring!

  8. A day out with your girl sounds sweet (and to find such great stuff, even sweeter)!

  9. Lovely finds! I really like the old book and the silver. Don't you just love that feeling when you find such treasures?! I'll be sharing mine later today. Blessings, Diane

  10. Dear Susan:

    I LOVE those little pitchers and can never pass them up when thrifting. The weather is still chilly here in NJ and I am looking forward to warm spring days ahead which makes for lovely thrifting outings.
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Everything is just so lovely. All wonderful treasures.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from you!
- Susan