Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Our New Dawn climbing rose bush has been blossoming the past 2 weeks and it is glorious!  We planted this bush on a trellis along our back fence, hoping to train it to grow more horizontally.  Well, it certainly has a mind of its' own.  I will definitely be pruning it this fall:

The two dilapidated old wicker chairs prevent kids from going near its' thorny branches.

Of course these pretties needed to be showcased in delicate vases...

Our Blessed Mother and her frequent companion, the rose:

Enjoy your holiday week my friends!


  1. Oh how beautiful Susan! I love your old wicker chairs too:)

  2. what a beautiful rose! And its just the perfect shade of delicate pink. how pretty! Hope you're having a wonderful summer!~

  3. Beautiful, Susan! I have a climber that has grown over my trellis. Many bloggers told me not to prune it and then an article I read said that I should as it will just flop over. Very confusing.

    Love your chairs, very charming and a great idea to protect the kiddies!


  4. Oh this reminds me that I need to get out and prune our one climber.
    but it is soooo hot out :(

    Your roses are gorgeous the best color of pink so soft and shabby.
    Hope all is well.

  5. So pretty, Susan! And I love the casual style of the wicker chairs in front of the roses.
    Mary Alice

  6. I am absolutely loving my New Dawn rose, too, Susan! I planted last spring and this summer it bloomed like crazy AND grew up and over my side arbor already. Do they bloom again, or just once...?

    xoxo laurie

  7. Very pretty post...makes me miss having an outdoor space..love the simple look of your mantel...xo

  8. Your roses are lovely!Pretty wicker chairs too!Looks like the perfect spot to sit and relax!

  9. So very pretty. Love the roses and the chairs are beautiful.


  10. Hi Susan!
    I love New Dawn, but I have a hard time getting them to get very big here because we are a little too cold in winter for them :( I have 2 and they are pretty scant of canes, but I love the rose. Your blooms are beautiful!
    hugs from me...

  11. Our Blessed Mother and the lovely rose, great companions indeed.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from you!
- Susan