Friday, November 9, 2012


Back to 'fluff' thing that gives great hope is celebrating the joy of Christmas.  The birth of our Savior, to save the world.  I do get caught up in decorating and planning for Christmas, I'll admit, but it is because the season brings such joy and peace.  We can always have hope for the world when He lights our way.

Here are a bit of random light and bright images...

New listings on Etsy for Christmas:

A peek at a chair I am working on.  It was found at my favorite outlet store, outside in the rain.  I've lightened it up with paint...

...and plan to make a new seat with this grain sack:

I'll show the entire transformation when I'm finished.

The best part of the day at the outlet was spending it with my 7-year old son.  It was the first time he tagged along with me on a vintage treasure hunt and I loved seeing what he experienced (he had a keener eye than me for some little things).  I hope he'll always want to tag along.

Another thing that got painted lighter was this antique urn we had outside (which was black).  I'll be putting ornaments in it for Christmas, but here's the fall look:

Ornaments will look great in this $2 thrift store bowl, too...

The last thing I want to mention is how much I've been enjoying the Creatively Made Home e-course with some of our favorite bloggers.  One of the big things I've taken away from this course is how these bloggers really speak to the reality of our home life (and with a dose of humor thrown in).  Glossy magazine photos of perfect homes, as well as amazing images from admired blogs can leave us all feeling a bit discouraged when we look around our own day-to-day homes that are lived in.  Although these images are meant to inspire, we have to remember all the staging that went into them.  I can attest to tossing a lot of 'reality' off to the side as I take photos to post.
The most important thing is to feel comfortable and content in our homes and to not take decorating too seriously.

That being said, another source of great insight lately has been this book by Miss Mustard Seed:

Marian Parsons truly keeps it real when she shares her humorous struggles and the satisfation of DIY hard work.  I own (too) many decorating books, and this by far has been the most well written and relatable.  Truly. 
So off I go into my little corner to read...

I'll leave you with one last image, which was inspired by a photo in Marian's book.  It is a reminder to unlock your potential and be hopeful about what lies in store.

Sharing with Blissful White Wednesday next week. 


  1. This is such a sweet post, Susan! First, I love your is going to be so pretty when you finish with it. And the urn...I have been looking for two just like these for my mantel...beautiful!

    I thought I might join the course but I wanted to hear a bit about how people felt about it first and it all sounds good. I agree with you, it gets a little frustrating looking at pics in magazines of professionally styled homes. It looks like there aren't even kids living in them! I tend to take smaller shots of my home...some parts are always in disarray and it will never be perfect!

    Keep up the wonderful work with your beautiful really have a gift.


  2. Lovely thing´s you show! Lovely pictures!

    Have a nice weekend, take care...


  3. Oh boy do I get the tossing things out of the way to capture something I want to share on my blog. When the children are here the coffee table is covered with toy cars or dolls and the white rug in the reading room is covered in blocks and dirty socks : )
    And then there's my husband who's cowboy boots are in the middle of the family room most of the time. We have to live in our houses and make them work for our families. I am always so inspired by photos of your beautiful home Susan!
    Your post is beautiful!!!

  4. What a beautiful things....o is almost from

  5. Lovely lovely lovely treasures, Susan! Can't believe that poor beautiful chair was sitting outside in the rain! Glad that you rescued it and breathed new life in her. :) I have an urn just like yours that I'll have to haul out for Christmas!

    xoxo laurie

  6. What a great post, Susan! Your chair is beautiful, can't wait to see it once you have finished working your magic! And I love the vintage sheet music with the santas. I know just what you mean about all of those "perfect" looking homes! Have a great weekend!

  7. I just love visiting your blog Susan! It feels so serene and peaceful and I love your photos! You have a beautiful touch on your decor. :)

  8. Aw, hugs, you're lovely! Hope is such a good thing. Who knows why things happen as they do, but we must have hope!~
    That eCourse sounds so interesting! And its so true, some homes online can look so daunting and perfect. Pretty much any photo I take at my house is done with a stack of dishes in the sink discreetly not show, haha. (Why is the mama the only one who can do dishes?!)

    You've made some lovely finds and these books look wonderful! Ive been getting in the mood for Christmas and really look forward to it. I am looking forward to people getting in a more peaceful and joyful frame of mind! And its always good to be reminded that miracles can happen to anyone, anywhere!~

  9. Hi Susan!

    How are you? It's always a pleasure to drop by your blog! The serenity that I get from your images are just what I need from a hectic day! Hope you are enjoying the season.


  10. A day junkin' with your lucky, lucky girl!!
    You've been busy Susan, I love all your new treasures for your shop!
    Happy Sunday!

  11. What a beautiful post. I love all your treasures! New Follower.


  12. A beautiful post. Staging is part of the fun of blogging, we get to create beautiful magical images, but we all know what real looks like lol. I'm so looking forward to reading Martians book, she is such an inspiration.

  13. Thank you for this too nice post. I'm coming through time washed and so pleased to follow your blog (LE CHEMIN DU BONHEUR). Love the ky with a ribbon. I'm going to look at your blog now.
    xoxo from PARIS in the rain

  14. So so lovely,Susan. And I love what you said about out Savior. He truly does give peace and hope amidst the up and downs of life. What a joy!

    Can't wait to see that chair finished! It's going to be wonderful. And thank you for sharing Miss Mustard Seed's book. That may be my Christmas present to myself!

    That $2 bowl is fabulous! I need to find a deal like that!!

    Hope your weekend is beautiful! Thank you for sweet inspiration and for joining in Blissful Whites Wednesday!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from you!
- Susan