Monday, March 5, 2012

Treasure Hunting with Michelle, Abby's Fairy and a Doll

Laughter, great deals, and encouraging conversations - those were the blessings of the day I spent with Petite Michelle Louise!  We are officially partners in crime on 'Picker Sister' adventures.  Saturday we ventured again to the White Elephant shops in Essex, MA.  The cold rainy day didn't hold us back from digging for treasures like these:

Can you believe this scale in the perfect light blue?????

Tattered books..

Vintage white creamer and talcum powder container (powder still inside & smelling lovely)...

Glass bottle and old post from a railing...

This old box will look great with plants in it, or dinnerware...

I've been on the hunt for a glass cloche for some time.  Although this one was a bit small for my glass stand, I loved the handle:

The lovely detailed frame on this mirror will get a coat of light paint soon...

I can't believe I got all that loot for less than $50!  I'll be sharing it with Vintage Inspiration Friday this week.

Here we are feeling giddy inside the outlet store.  Let me tell you I strongly encouraged Michelle to purchase a vintage dress form.  The poor lady was outside under a table in the rain, but that didn't deter us.  We had a good laugh over how our husbands would not understand a purchase like our tattered friend. 
Run over to Michelle's post to see her treasures and how amazing that dress form is.  At least we know you gals would understand our madness over her. 
(Michelle, me)

Here is the outside of the outlet.  Organization & display are not a priority, but bargains are!

We also shopped their regular store down the street, where the prices are less friendly but you can't beat the selection of old books! 

I had the most fun with dear Michelle, and was once again inspired by her ability to ignite a creative vision with old relics.  I can't wait to see what she does with some of her finds!

And speaking of sweet friends, I have to share this lovely crowned fairy I purchased from Abby of Abby's Paperie Garden.  Isn't it filled with romance?
Thank you Abby!

Lastly, I want to share a peek at a project I've worked on.  I've just discovered books by the most amazing crafter from Norway!  I'll share more of her later in the week.  Until then, happy White Wednesday!
A doll for my girl


  1. What great items you found! I love it all. I love the picker sisters. Off to look at the dress form--TFS!

  2. Hi Susan Sweetie...
    Oh my goodness I absolutely love your treasures. That little blue scale is so gorgeous. I can see it for so many uses.

    Love that pitcher as well. (I just picked up one a little taller for my daughter.) Their uses are endless.

    Love it that you found a Cashmere Bouquet can. How pretty the can is. What a bonus to still have powder and still have that wonderful smell. Lucky ducky you.

    Thanks for sharing this evening and taking me along. I had so much fun. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. Nothing like a great find!!!
    Blessings Lori

  4. It looks like both of you had a ball, Susan!! I am in LOVE with your scale. I have been looking high and low for one that is not totally rusted out and banged up...this is perfect and I love that shade of blue! Lucky you!

    Stop by, I am having a giveaway! :)


  5. Oh Susan you lucky girl!!! I have been wanting a scale and cloche for ages but don't want to pay the big price that is always on them! What a steal of a deal you got on everything!!! I love that mirror too!
    And Michelle got a dress form?? You two hit the jackpot!!!

  6. what fun you girls must have together

    The best kinda junkin are the piles of unorganized junk to sort yourself.
    The best finds are lerking underneath

    I love that doll on your last pic
    did you make it???

  7. You got all of that for less than $50 bucks?! Lucky you! I am drooling over that gorgeous mirror, can't wait to see how you transform it. And that scale is perfect for you, Susan! Looks like you both had a great day!!

  8. Wowww what a nice shop !!! your finds........happy

  9. Re-living it all over again after reading this sweet Post susan! Your tresors look sooooo lovely in your home as i knew they would! We really did score BIG TIMe didn't we? I love being your partner in crime my Picker Sistah!! :)

  10. Wow! That's a fabulous collection of treasures! That place looks like such fun! There's a somewhat similar (though much smaller and pricier) place here on the Cape that I go to with my kids sometimes... my older kids are starting to get the collector's bug, too! ;)

  11. I really serious when I say this....that scale made my heart leap. I'm headed to the White Elephant this weekend and to think....I missed it by "that much"! Lucky, lucky's just awesome.

  12. Oh what wonderful treasures you found. I am your newest follower! I would love it if you would follow me.

  13. What great things you found for amazing prices. I reeeeeally like that blue scale!
    Mary Alice

  14. Oh that scale is vintage perfection! I'm hopeful some day to make it to your area for some thrifting. It makes my heart smile knowing the fairy has a new home with you.



  15. So fun seeing two of my favorite girls picking to their hearts delight!!

  16. Those "style" of establishments always hold the most promise for me. Great stash of finds.

  17. Thanks for stopping by, Susan! You left such kind words about our home featured in Cottage Style and I'm sooooo glad you found me! I love all the treasure you found. Love scales, and that powder in the pink tin...I have one similar to it. We seem to gravitate to the same treasures! I added you to my blog roll, too!

  18. Wow! Pickin with a friend. Now that's my kind of a day. I have a dear friend (we've been buddies since 6th grade) we both love anything old, rusty and chippy. We too have so much fun together. I love all of your treasures! The scale is so great! I have been searching for a vintage dress form. I have a new one, but would love to swap it out for vintage. Oh, don't let her hear that, I don't want to hurt her feelings. lol! Hopping over to see your friends treasue.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from you!
- Susan