Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I do have a new Etsy listing to share with you, but first...indulge me in a little story. 
Last night our 6-yr old son and 4-yr old daughter were getting along splendidly (not always the case) and decided to be Valentines.  Our son made paper Valentines for our girl, then serenaded her with the song "You are My Sunshine".  She was beaming.  I took a small video of the scene, not wanting it to end.  Time refuses to stand still, but those moments make a lasting impression.  I hope they'll remember. 

Now..speaking of sweet hearts, here is a fabric heart envelope I designed to hold little love notes.  It's got a hand-knit pink heart on the front and includes several Valentine cards. 

I was excited to share this listing with you from the store, but it pales in comparison to these:
Sorry, not for sale  :)
Sharing with White Wednesday and Pink Saturday this week.


  1. Love the story about your kids..love their valentines too! Of course, your stuff for your Etsy shop is lovely:)

  2. That is adorable. Wish you posted the video:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. awww, that is the best story ever!
    Valentines is one of my fave times of year because of the memories of those little sweet cards past at school.
    Making the little mailboxes to put them in. I agree, kids valentines are the best. So innocent and sweet.

    Love your pink knit heart on these.
    very sweet indeed.

  4. Susan,

    That is sooo sweet! Don't you just love it when your kids do something so darn adorable?!?! Love it! And love your handmade items! Do you know if it can fit postcards? I'd love to put some of my vintage postcards in there. :) Your creations are always so lovely! Have a great day.


  5. So very sweet, Susan! What beautiful Valentines your kids made... love the colors :)
    Many thanks for your very kind and lovely note, that brought a smile to my face! Hope you'll enjoy my articles.

  6. What a great story! I so miss having wee ones underfoot! All your valentines are so lovely and anyone would be thrilled to be on the receiving end.

  7. Awww, what a lovely story about your children!!! I love the Valentines they made...something money can't buy:)

  8. What a keeper that little movie will be for the years to come! Too sweet!!
    Pretty little valentines too!

  9. How cute is that. They will love seeing it again years from now and the video.


  10. Thank you Susan for sharing that sweet story! It reminded me of a time that Jim and I went to dinner and came home to find my kids getting along and singing along together as my daughter played guitar! Still melts my heart today!

    Your Valentine holder is so beautiful!! You are one creative girl!

  11. You will cherish that video forever! Such a lovely heart pocket you made!

  12. Such a Sweet story, and that pink valentine is Perfect...Thanks for sharing & hope you'll stop by~
    Have a wonderful week

  13. Such a sweet story. You'll have to save these with the video. Pretty pinks ~ Sarah

  14. What a sweet story! Just wait til they are teenagers and they see it:) I love, love, love, love your pretty heart, Susan! What a thoughtful Valentine's Day gift that would make, it would be perfect for tucking a gift card inside, too!

  15. What a sweet story. These are adorable!

    Heading over to favorite your Etsy shop now. Thanks for sharing & Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. I really like our post and seeing all the pretty things. That is a real once in a life time act on the part of the children. I am sure, knowing most boys, he had a weak moment. Take care of the video.

  17. I just love the fabric envelope. It is so creative! Happy Pink Saturday! ~Marti

  18. Love love love it! Happy weekend!

    xo, Abby

  19. So sweet and lovely!! Have a beautiful pink Saturday, enjoy!

    Little Chefs in Pink

  20. Ah, such a sweet story, and now it is a treasured memory. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Your envelope is so pretty. And, I love the hearts within.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Susan.

  21. I'm back in blog world and enjoyed catching up on yours. Your valentine story is adorable as are your gorgeous children. I adore the envelope!

  22. Adorable story about your kids. Lovely blog...I'm your newest follower!

  23. What a sweet story! I love the pocket full of hearts. Thank you for sharing.

  24. AWWWWW, Susan, that is so CUTE! Love the babies stories...they are the best, aren't they?



Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from you!
- Susan