Tuesday, September 27, 2011

White Elephant Hunt with Petite Michelle Louise!

What a weekend!  I went on a White Elephant hunt with a great friend.  Vivacious Michelle, from the Petite Michelle Louise blog joined me on a trip to the White Elephant shop in Essex, MA.  We laughed, talked endlessly, and shopped through dust and rust to find amazing bargains. 
I wish I had taken photos of Michelle's astounded face at the very friendly prices to be found.  Here we are, picking through the loot at the outlet store: 
(me on left, cute Michelle on right)
We called ourselves the Picker Sisters after a TV show by that name.  I haven't seen it, but Michelle joked that we were doing what they do.  :)
(look at Michelle's stylish Paris bag - she looked so chic!)

(perfect for White Wednesday, no?)
We spent time shopping at the '1/2 off' outlet and regular store down the road, and seriously could have spent all day.  I loved watching Michelle's mind work as she thought up ideas for creations she could make with various treasures.  Many of your names came up: "Amy would love this...wouldn't Rhonda love these?...Melinda would get this door...Sandi would get this rustic bucket".  Isn't is great how through your blogs we really do get a sense of your taste?  And of course we have to share this with Kathleen's White Wednesday party. 
Here's what I brought home.  First, this great old wooden ladder:
($10 - yes!  There's 3 more there...hurry!)

I also found the cool flour sack there - in my palette!  It hangs next to this amazing enamel bucket that Michelle brought me.  She thought it would fit my farmhouse-style kitchen more than it did hers.  Isn't she thoughtful?  And of course she embellished it with one of her amazing signature-styled tags. 

I cleaned up this old top of a baluster/fence post(?) for our mantel and got a neat old music book for a future project:

Keep your eye out for the autumn issue of Somerset Life, on news-stands soon.  Michelle's doorknob inspiration holders are on the cover and she's got an article inside!  Congratulations Michelle!  Visit her blog to see what she brought home from the White Elephant.

And thanks to all of you offering well wishes on the opening of my Etsy store.  Stay tuned for a giveaway soon...


  1. Oh my word!! That place looks so neat!! I love all the white items outside! I am glad you and Michelle had a fun day!!

  2. Fantastic ladder! Looks like you had so much fun! You made the most of it!

  3. You are right, I would have been like a kid in a candy store!
    You both look adorable and I must say I love ya way better than the picker sisters, lol
    Loving all your finds and how you have put them together.
    ah, it must be awesome to share blog friends and great junkin.

  4. Hi Susan
    You two are just so cute! Sounds like you had an amazing time! I would love to shop there!! The enamel bucket is awesome, what a thoughtful gift! And I am in love with your post on the mantle. Now I need to get over and visit Michelle's blog:) Happy WW!

  5. Michelle sure have a good taste. Picker sister haha thats a good one. Beeing two when antigue speeing like that is so fun. Both shouting at the same time look here, take a look at this etc..:)
    Pretty amazing finds as well. Love them all:)

  6. How fun!!!!!
    I am going to try and squeeze in a trip with you Picker Sisters this Fall!!!
    Loving your finds, especially the ladder!
    Heading off to Michelle's...

  7. I love the ladder and all of the linens on it! No nice to visit with you!

  8. Looks like you had fun ! And found great stuff too !

  9. It looks like you two had a ball!! How fun to meet up and do your favorite thing together. I LOVE your ladder...I wish I had room for one! Congratulations to Michelle on her feature in the magazine! :-)


  10. Love what you brought home. What a great place to shop.

  11. Oh, you lucky girl...being able to shop with Michelle. I'd love to meet up with both you girls sometime:-)

    Love all the chippy whites and looks like you scored!


  12. ...hey! where was MY invite ~ hhhmmmmm?????!

    lovin' it all, i would have maybe had to rent a u-haul for that visit!! LOL!!

    xo, Rosemary

  13. Susan,
    I'm so envious...but not for long. I'm ready to go whenever you are.... White Elephant here we come!!
    You both look adorable by the way.
    Blessings & hugs,

  14. This is awesome! I live in RI and will HAVE to make a trip here. Thanks so much for sharing and love your blog! :)

  15. Your finds are all so pickin' cool! I love spending my time digging and rooting through stuff to find something unique and special.

  16. You 2 are too darn cute!!! I so wish I could have spent the day with you both, shopping and laughing and having a great time! I can't believe you scored that ladder for $10.00. I saw one in an antique shop last week for $125.00, can you believe that?!!
    Thanks so much for thinking of me.
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  17. I've never heard of the White Elephant so thanks for turning me on to it!

  18. Looks like you had a fab. with Michelle.
    Love your ladder and all the linen.

  19. Don't you two look adorable:) Looks like it was a fun day:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  20. It's so nice to put a face to two beautiful names! It looks like you had a wonderful time and created lovely memories to cherish.




Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from you!
- Susan