Thursday, November 20, 2014

Autumn in the Dining Room

I can't believe it's already almost time for Thanksgiving!  I see that a lot of you are already in the Christmas spirit, getting out your decor and project ideas.  Since we're hosting Thanksgiving I can't start that process yet (but you know I'd love to).
Thanksgiving will be celebrated in our serene dining room...but I'm sure it won't feel too serene that morning when we're trying to get everything ready!  For now, I'll enjoy this peace...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friends, and I'll be back to share all things Christmas soon.
In the meantime, you can find me on Instagram these days - I just joined in the fun.
Also, be sure to visit my Etsy shop.  Many items from the holiday bazaar have been listed, and some have already sold.

Sharing with:
Feathered Nest Friday
Shabbilicious Friday

Friday, November 14, 2014

Holiday Vintage Bazaar and Meeting Matthew Mead!

Last weekend was a whirlwind!  It was the first annual Holiday Jubilee for the Vintage Bazaar in Salisbury, MA.  Just off the heels of the fall bazaar, Michelle and I scrambled to put a booth together for this event and wow - it was amazing!  The crowds didn't stop coming the whole weekend (including Friday night) and we even got to meet a superstar - Matthew Mead!
Okay, that last part is still so thrilling to share: we met multi-talented designer, stylist, photographer, editor, crafter, you-name-it Mr. Matthew Mead himself and his kind and lovely wife Jenny!!!!
I'm still pinching myself.  You can imagine I was a goofy nervous girl when I turned around and there he was, while all us vendors were setting up our booths.  I tried to casually chat about the event and avoid tripping over his AMAZING wares in his space.  My eyes just took in all the loveliness he and Jenny created...greenery, painted furniture, ironstone, dioramas....oh my.

Okay...I simply must start with this photo of Michelle and I with Matthew, and tell you what a gentleman he was!  The nicest guy you could meet...humble, kind and interested in everyone he spoke with.  Jenny was so sweet to take photos of us.
Michelle, Matthew, me

Stay tuned to the end of this post to see more from Matthew.

And now....our booth....a tent within the huge tent!
We called it winter wonderland:

Gotta toss in a few 'people' shots to break up the booth photos....
Here's us with our fabulous booth neighbor across the way - Pam McKay.  She makes gorgeous ocean-inspired jewelry (at
me, Pam, Michelle

More of the apologies that some of the photos are blurry.  My camera had a hard time focusing with the late afternoon lighting.

You are the best booth buddy Michelle!  I had such a great time and we shared a lot of laughs.
Thank you to all our friends, family and customers that visited our space!
I'm starting to list items from the bazaar in my Etsy store.  Take a peek here.  Michelle may be listing some of her treasures as well here.

Okay, by the end of the weekend the vendors started walking around chatting.  All the vendors were super talented and very nice.  I visited Matthew and Jenny's space again and he sent Michelle & I home with two autographed magazines of his!  Can you believe???  I was ecstatic because you may know I am a magazine junky.  It was so cool to meet someone who has always influenced me for many years through that medium.  I can always recognize Matthew's style in a publication - you know good stuff when you see it.
Anyhow, this is what I have been poring over since the past weekend:

These magazines were self-published by the Meads in 2010, so I never saw them on newsstands.  Peek inside the Autumn issue....

...and the Holiday issue...

Are they not incredible???  I don't know if you can still purchase these online somehow, but be sure to visit Matthew and Jenny at

Thanks for sticking around this long post!  xoxo - Susan

Monday, November 3, 2014

Holiday Jubilee - Vintage Bazaar this weekend!

I am so excited to share with you that I'll be participating in my first ever Holiday vintage bazaar this weekend.  The talented folks that run the Vintage Bazaar at Pettengill Farm each spring and fall are hosting their first Holiday Jubilee!
Michelle and I will once again be setting up a booth at the farm and we are so thrilled to be selling holiday-inspired creations and vintage treasures.  This is my favorite time of year and I've been having such fun creating for this weekend.
Here's a sneak peek of what I'll be bringing....

We hope to see  you there this weekend: Friday evening (3-8pm), Saturday (10-6) and Sunday (10-4).  Matthew Mead will also be at the jubilee as a special guest, hosting demos.  I just adore his style and will be visiting (stalking) his booth for sure!

Stay tuned....whatever I don't sell this weekend will be listed in my Etsy shop asap.  :)

Sharing this week with:
Shabbilicious Friday