Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Prairie Style Patina

You know how some visits to the flea market are better than others?  Some days you don't find anything to your liking, and other days you see eye candy galore.  Well, my last visit to the flea was a very good day.  It seemed like items on my 'wish list' were there just for me to find, plus I found a parking spot easily!

Our homestead is getting spruced up for a special visitor in the next few weeks, and these pieces really fit the look I'm going for.  I have to give a shout-out to my husband who has been a very good sport about all the tweaking I've been doing.  :)

Behold this prairie style cabinet...

I absolutely love its' chippy patina and soft gray and rose colors under the cream paint.

For a long time I've been dreaming of a farmhouse kitchen table.  I knew this one from the flea market was a keeper, with its' wonderful gray/blue faded paint :

Love the drawers, too...

These furniture pieces were cleaned and sealed once I got home, just to be safe.

Last, but not least, I found this adorable white cubby cabinet and vintage wood box.

They've made their way to my little studio in the bedroom, which I'll try to share soon.  Just love the grayish tint on this box!

Have you hit the flea markets yet?  Ahhh...gotta love spring!

I'm sharing these over at:
Blissful Whites Wednesday
Grey Dey Thursdey
Feathered Nest Friday
Shabbilicious Friday