Thursday, February 27, 2014

Simply Shabbilicious Magazine

It's here!  The spring issue of Simply Shabbilicious Magazine, created by talented Kerryanne of Shabby Art Boutique.

You can view the magazine for free here, or purchase a digital or printed copy here:

I'm so honored to be included in this issue, along with talented bloggers such as Susan from Must Love Junk,  Jennelise from Jennelise Rose, and Ewa from Minty House.  Kerryanne works very hard putting together each beautiful issue, and they don't disappoint.

Have a look...spring is coming!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Getting Personal

It's not often I share personal information here at the blog.  I'd much rather talk about decorating and crafts than myself!  Nevertheless, sweet Kris from Junk Chic Cottage has asked me to share over at her weekly Saturday Spotlight.  I really enjoy reading about other bloggers who I've come to know in this fun blogging world.  It's fun to 'get real' now and then.  In that spirit, I've included a realistic recent photo of myself here, clutter behind me and all.  Although I must confess that I had just returned from the hair salon, so my hair looks better than usual.  :)

Thanks so much to Kris and Susan from Must Love Junk for opening up the world of blogging with this wonderful way of getting to know each other.  Thank you for including me, ladies!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Noticing the Little Things

Lately I've been trying to take notice of the little things that bring delight, especially when the winter is cold and snowy.  Sometimes just minor updates to our space can give us a boost.
Here are some recent 'little things' that brought a smile...

1) getting my craft on by making this sweet Napoleon style hat for my Santos cage doll:

It was inspired by Donna O'Brien's creations in the winter issue of Where Women Create,
(my hat is placed on top of the magazine pages with Donna's delights)

and makes a whimsical statement in this corner of our living room:

2) seeing a dash of faded pink fabric in this other corner of our living room....

...along with a grouping of shiny candlesticks:

3)  enjoying the way the winter sunlight reflects off the snow into our living room windows:

4) adding a dash of spring roses to the living room shelf,

with this flea market needlework:

and paper flowers on the reindeer:

His look was inspired by Rachel Ashwell's Couture Prairie book:

Love this book!

5) noticing how my little girl piled her Tilda 'family' together on a chair.  So sweet!

6) putting a personal touch on some fabric for our sofa.  It has my husband's & my initials, the year the house was built and No. 4 for our family of 4:

7) admiring the grey shimmer in a new lampshade by the sofa:

These 7 little things are just details, but all together they bring great cheer!

I'm joining in at these great parties:
Grey Dey Thursdey
Be Inspired Friday
Feathered Nest Friday
Shabbilicious Friday
Blissful Whites Wednesday